
Showing posts with label self improvement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label self improvement. Show all posts

Sunday, November 15, 2009

CodeMash 2010

I've registered for CodeMash 2010
January 14-15, 2010 in Sandusky, OH

There are several agile sessions scheduled:

- Agile Iteration 0 by Ken Sipe
- An Agile Toolchain for Flex RIAs by James Ward
- Credit Crunch Code – Time to Pay Back the Technical Debt by Gary Short
- Domain-Driven Design: An Introduction by Barry Hawkins
- Seeing Constraints, Kanban Explained by Jon Stahl
- Testing the Enterprise by Leon Gersing and Charley Baker
- User Stories: Closing the Agile Loop by Barry Hawkins

Wednesday is an optional Precompiler session(full registration required to attend). The agile topics that day are:
- Practical T/BDD - Half Day Hands-on Lab by Phil Japikse
- Test Driven Development: From Concept to Deployment with Leon Gersing (all day)

There are loads of sessions that aren't specifically about agile but look great anyhow. According to the CodeMash site:
More than 45 sessions will be held, spread across the following tracks:

* Architecture: SOA, W3C Standards, WS* Implementations, Interoperability and all things 30,000 foot or higher.
* Desktop Development: Standalone Applications, Fat/Smart Client, Client/Server and all things running local on Windows, Mac or your favorite Linux distribution.
* Web Development: Web services, Ajax, frameworks, and all things related to the browser.
* Methodologies: Anything pertinent to how modern development methodologies help build software faster, cheaper, and with less grief.
* Mobility: All things mobile: platforms, devices, content distribution, social networking, community building, and anything else used in conjunction with those devices which have little screens.
* Languages: What's new and cool in languages such as C#, Java, PHP, Python, PHP, Ruby? Of course there are other languages which we've omitted from this list for reasons of space but don't mean to offend their feelings.

and since one of the seven pillars is Self Improvement, why not attend and check out what interests you or what you think might help your team? And the cost for the conference is very low (see below.)

CodeMash 2010 will be held January 13-15, 2010 in Sandusky, OH at Kalahari Resort, America's largest indoor water park

Early Bird discount $175 until Nov 30
Regular $220 until Jan 7, 2010
Procrastinator $300